
Weight Watchers accused of cheating during coronavirus


Monday, March 31, 2025

Weight Watchers accused of cheating during coronavirus

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NEW YORK (Legal Newsline) – Weight Watchers continues to charge dieters a full monthly membership and an additional fee during the coronavirus pandemic, a new class action lawsuit says.

Kyle Vodden filed his case May 18 against WW International through lawyers at Bursor & Fisher. It complains that Weight Watchers switched its in-person workshops to virtual workshops on April 4.

“However, unlike other companies, Defendant charged its customers for the full price of their memberships and an additional virtual workshop fee, even though their in-person workshops have been terminated and members have already paid for workshops,” the lawsuit says.

“Simply put, Defendant is double-dipping…”

The lawsuit alleges violations of New York and California consumer protection laws and seeks to certify a class of customers nationwide who have been charged for cancelled in-person workshops.

U.S. District Court for the Southern District  of New York case number 1:20-cv-03856


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