
News published on Legal Newsline in January 2010


Thursday, March 6, 2025

News from January 2010

Actions of cruise company draw Lynch's attention

By Nick Rees |
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (Legal Newsline) - Rhode Island Attorney General Patrick Lynch has filed a civil investigative demand with a Narragansett Bay cruise company that had refused to refund deposits of three parties that had canceled previously booked cruises.

Caldwell files drywall suit

By Nick Rees |
Caldwell NEW ORLEANS (Legal Newsline) - Multiple Knauf entities and other international and domestic manufacturers, distributors, importers of Chinese drywall and several builders have been hit with a lawsuit by Louisiana Attorney General Buddy Caldwell over allegations of defective and toxic drywall.

Brown closes Coakley's lead in final days

By John O'Brien |
Coakley BOSTON (Legal Newsline) - A recently released poll shows the senatorial race in Massachusetts as nearly a dead-heat six days before a special election.

Guzman joins Texas Supreme Court

By Chris Rizo |
Eva Guzman AUSTIN, Texas (Legal Newsline)- Eva Guzman this week became the newest justice on the Texas Supreme Court.

California adopts mandatory green building code

By Chris Rizo |
Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Legal Newsline)-California will have some of the greenest buildings in the nation under a set of environmentally friendly, business-backed building code standards adopted this week by a state commission.

Kansas AG rakes in campaign cash

By Chris Rizo |
Steve Six (D) TOPEKA, Kan. (Legal Newsline) - Kansas Attorney General Steve Six raked in more than $375,000 in campaign cash last year to help bankroll his reelection campaign this year, campaign finance disclosures indicate.

Missouri makes the most out of federal Medicaid grants

By Chris Rizo |
Chris Koster (D) JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (Legal Newsline)-Missouri makes more out of federal funds to fight Medicaid fraud than any other state in the nation, federal data indicates.

Ohio AG's office sees uptick in consumer complaints

By Chris Rizo |
Richard Cordray (D) COLUMBUS, Ohio (Legal Newsline)-- Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray's office last year received a record number of complaints, the Democrat said.

Okla. AG Edmondson could challenge Cornhusker Kickback

By Chris Rizo |
Drew Edmondson (D) TULSA, Okla. (Legal Newsline)-Oklahoma's Democratic attorney general, Drew Edmondson, could join with his Republican counterparts from at least 13 other states in challenging a controversial provision in the federal health care overhaul pending in Congress.

Nevada courts to get security reviews

By Kathy Woods |
Nevada Supreme Court building CARSON CITY, Nev. (Legal Newsline)-Nevada Supreme Court Chief Justice Ron Parraguirre has announced a security review for the Silver State's courthouses.

McCollum pushing outside counsel bill

By John O'Brien |
McCollum TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (Legal Newsline) - Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum is calling a bill that would reform the contingency fee contract into which his office enters with private attorneys his top legislative priority.

Ski Market will honor 50 percent of gift cards

By Nick Rees |
Blumenthal HARTFORD, Conn. (Legal Newsline) - Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal has reached a preliminary agreement with a bankrupt company to honor at least 50 percent of the value of unused gift cards.

Cuomo settles with five health care facilities

By Nick Rees |
Cuomo NEW YORK (Legal Newsline) - Settlements with five health care facilities in the New York City Watershed to immediately end the disposal of pharmaceutical waste into the watershed have been announced by New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo.

GOP wants Blumenthal ready to challenge health care bill

By John O'Brien |
Blumenthal HARTFORD, Conn. (Legal Newsline) - Republican lawmakers in Connecticut want state Attorney General Richard Blumenthal to be ready to fight against the proposed national healt hcare reform package if it is passed.

Coakley ad misspells Massachusetts

By John O'Brien |
Coakley BOSTON (Legal Newsline) - An advertisement for Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley's senatorial campaign misspelled the name of the state Monday night.

Trial bar seeks to expand liability, end arbitration clauses

By Chris Rizo |
Anthony Tarricone WASHINGTON (Legal Newsline)-The national trial lawyers group outlined its 2010 legislative agenda Monday, announcing that the group plans to take aim at mandatory arbitration clauses and push to expand civil liability, among other initiatives.

Calif. AG candidate's oil severance tax bill clears committee

By Chris Rizo |
Alberto Torrico (D) SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Legal Newsline)-A proposal by a Democratic candidate for California attorney general that would raise money for California college classrooms by taxing energy producers on Monday cleared its first legislative hurdle.

U.S. Supreme Court to hear carp case Friday

By Chris Rizo |
Mike Cox (R-Mich.) WASHINGTON (Legal Newsline)-The U.S. Supreme Court will consider on Friday a lawsuit filed by Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox to close some Chicago locks to prevent the massive Asian carp from invading the Great Lakes.

GOP race for Calif. AG picks up steam

By Chris Rizo |
Steve Cooley (R) LOS ANGELES (Legal Newsline)-The Republican race for California attorney general is slowly picking up speed after months of there only being one GOP candidate vying to succeed Democrat Jerry Brown.

High court urged to hear False Claims Act case

By Chris Rizo |
U.S. Supreme Court building WASHINGTON (Legal Newsline)-A leading conservative public interest law firm has urged the U.S. Supreme Court to review a lower court decision that allows trial lawyers to use the federal False Claims Act as a tool for regulating the marketing activities of pharmaceutical companies and medical device manufacturers.