News from 2007
Attorney general flip-flop-flips on water battle with Washington
Sen. Josh Penry DENVER -- First he butted in. Then he butted out. Now he's butted back in.
Cuomo trying something new
Cuomo NEW YORK - New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo has shifted some of the focus in his investigation into the college loan industry and has began serving alumni associations with subpoenas.
N.J. joins college loan investigation
Rabner TRENTON, N.J. - New Jersey Attorney General Stuart Rabner recently served subpoenas on several organizations that deal with college loans, making him one of several state attorneys general who have followed New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo's lead.
W. Va. trial lawyers continue trend, change name
CHARLESTON, W. Va. - The trial lawyers who appear before the West Virginia Supreme Court, as well as the rest of the other state courts, will be calling themselves something different from now on.
Plaintiff blames Wal-Mart for 'unnatural' accumulation of ice
CHICAGO -- An Illinois woman recently filed a complaint alleging that Wal-Mart's negligence during a December 2005 snowstorm led to a fall causing injuries worth more than $300,000.
Blockbuster sued in Cook Co. over icy sidewalk
CHICAGO -- A Chicago plaintiff sued the Blockbuster Videos corporation and its agents on March 30, 2007 for negligence, stemming from a slip and fall in front of the video drop box outside an Oak Park, Ill. store.
Texas Democrats want high-profile blogging judge on highest bench
Judge Susan Criss AUSTIN -- Recent rumors that well-known Galveston Judge Susan Criss could be headed for a state Supreme Court campaign run were on the money.
Baby bibs full of lead, Cuomo said
Cuomo NEW YORK - As lead paint litigation spreads across the country, a pair of state attorneys general say lead exposure is, too.
Blumenthal reiterates need for reform
Blumenthal HARTFORD, Conn. - With Connecticut's Department of Public Utility Control ready to pursue electricity capacity contracts, Attorney General Richard Blumenthal on Thursday again stressed his desire for delay.
Attorney general butts in, butts out of Colo. water-rights spat
John Suthers DENVER -- The vexed question of water rights in western states appears to have thrown Colorado Attorney General John Suthers into a legal spin.
Suit against McGraw settled
McGraw CHARLESTON, W. Va. - Some of that money earned on behalf of West Virginia consumers will go to pay off a lawsuit against Attorney General Darrell McGraw.
AG King: Felons can't use fame for profit
King MONTGOMERY, Ala. - Alabama Attorney General Troy King on Thursday was celebrating the success of a bill that prevents felons from using their notoriety for profit.
Ohio cases keep coming
Moyer COLUMBUS - The state's caseload rose by 2 percent in 2006, the Ohio Supreme Court announced Thursday.
McGraw still batting paver for payment
McGraw CHARLESTON, W. Va. - West Virginia Attorney General Darrell McGraw won his case against a Mercer County asphalt paver nine years ago, but getting Huey Small to pay up has been the difficult part.
Attorney general looks shaky as GOP opponent rakes in donations
Royal Alexander Predictions last month that Louisiana Republicans would aggressively target the state's Democratic attorney general during the forthcoming election cycle appear to be coming true.
Blumenthal: Wait on reform before signing contracts
Blumenthal HARTFORD, Conn. - Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal wants power companies to have to wait until the state's lawmakers can change a few things before agreeing to any contracts.
Paint companies must start planning lead cleanup
Lynch PROVIDENCE, R.I. - A Rhode Island Superior Court judge on Monday decided not to grant a stay of the lead-paint abatement planning process by which he'd already ordered three paint companies to abide.
Hood suing State Farm... again
Hood JACKSON, Miss. - For failing to work around a federal judge's rejection of a proposed settlement, Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood has decided to sue State Farm Fire and Casualty Co.
Supreme Court gives future colleague brief reprieve from charges
Judge Annette Ziegler MADISON -- The Wisconsin Supreme Court has put the state's Ethics Board on the clock over its allegations against Supreme Court Justice-elect Annette Ziegler.
Governor cites attorney general's stand in nixing tort-reform bill
Gov. Brad Henry OKLAHOMA CITY -- Attorney General Drew Edmondson is no doubt claiming major credit for the decision by his fellow-Democrat, Gov. Brad Henry, to veto a contentious tort-reform bill.