
Stories by Nick Rees on Legal Newsline


Friday, March 14, 2025

Nick Rees News

Corbett files suit against computer school

By Nick Rees |
Corbett HARRISBURG, Penn. (Legal Newsline) - Pennsylvania Attorney General Tom Corbett has launched a lawsuit against a Maryland-based computer training school that allegedly took nearly $2 million in tuition payments from Pennsylvania consumers before suddenly closing in mid-December.

Van Hollen reaches settlement of well-drilling charges

By Nick Rees |
Van Hollen MADISON, Wis. (Legal Newsline) - A series of well-drilling violations in several Wisconsin counties will cost a Wisconsin corporation $40,000, Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen has announced.

Acting N.J. AG settles with beach clubs

By Nick Rees |
Solano TRENTON, N.J. (Legal Newsline) - Six private beach clubs in Sea Bright, N.J., have entered into beach access-related settlements with acting New Jersey Attorney General Ricardo Solano Jr.

Madigan supporting debt settlement legislation

By Nick Rees |
Madigan SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (Legal Newsline) - Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan has introduced legislation designed to end abusive and unfair practices allegedly used by the debt settlement industry.

Blumenthal files data breach suit

By Nick Rees |
Blumenthal HARTFORD, Conn. (Legal Newsline) - Following a security breach involving health information, social security numbers and bank account numbers for approximately 446,000 Health Net of Connecticut, Inc., enrollees, Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal has filed a lawsuit.

Actions of cruise company draw Lynch's attention

By Nick Rees |
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (Legal Newsline) - Rhode Island Attorney General Patrick Lynch has filed a civil investigative demand with a Narragansett Bay cruise company that had refused to refund deposits of three parties that had canceled previously booked cruises.

Caldwell files drywall suit

By Nick Rees |
Caldwell NEW ORLEANS (Legal Newsline) - Multiple Knauf entities and other international and domestic manufacturers, distributors, importers of Chinese drywall and several builders have been hit with a lawsuit by Louisiana Attorney General Buddy Caldwell over allegations of defective and toxic drywall.

Ski Market will honor 50 percent of gift cards

By Nick Rees |
Blumenthal HARTFORD, Conn. (Legal Newsline) - Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal has reached a preliminary agreement with a bankrupt company to honor at least 50 percent of the value of unused gift cards.

Cuomo settles with five health care facilities

By Nick Rees |
Cuomo NEW YORK (Legal Newsline) - Settlements with five health care facilities in the New York City Watershed to immediately end the disposal of pharmaceutical waste into the watershed have been announced by New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo.

Blumenthal sues former non-profit head

By Nick Rees |
Blumenthal HARTFORD, Conn. (Legal Newsline) - The former executive director of a medical supply charity is being sued by Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal over allegations that she diverted approximately $100,000 in charitable funds for trips, concerts, spa services and other non-business personal expenses.

Conn. AG to fight proposed utility rate increase

By Nick Rees |
Blumenthal HARTFORD, Conn. (Legal Newsline) - Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal has vowed to fight a proposed 5 percent rate increase by Connecticut Light & Power.

Judge sides with Tenn. AG

By Nick Rees |
Cooper NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Legal Newsline) - Thousands of consumers have moved another step closer to obtaining refunds from an online computer seller and liquidator that a judge says misrepresented its products, Tennessee Attorney General Robert E. Cooper has announced.

Settlement to fund Abandoned Property Rehabilitation Program

By Nick Rees |
Martha Coakley (D) BOSTON (Legal Newsline) - Monies obtained from the 2009 Fremont Settlement will be used to fund over $1 million in grants for the Abandoned Property Rehabilitation Program, Attorney General Martha Coakley has announced.

Kroger settles with Calif. law firm

By Nick Rees |
Kroger SALEM, Ore. (Legal Newsline) - Under terms of a settlement announced by Oregon Attorney General John Kroger, a California law firm is prohibited from providing loan modifications in Oregon and is required to pay $28,857.

McKenna settles with collection agency

By Nick Rees |
McKenna SEATTLE (Legal Newsline) - As part of a settlement with Washington Attorney General Rob McKenna, an Everett-based collection agency has agreed not to harass, threaten or cuss at consumers.

Plan for homeowner insurance rate increases blocked by Mass. AG Coakley

By Nick Rees |
Martha Coakley (D) BOSTON (Legal Newsline) - Rates for Massachusetts homeowners obtaining insurance from the residual market will be lowered by a .72 percent average statewide, following a settlement announced by Attorney General Martha Coakley.

Final settlement reached in Hurricane Ike gas price gouging suit‏

By Nick Rees |
Bill Mims RICHMOND, Va. (Legal Newsline) - Virginia Attorney General Bill Mims has reached a settlement with a Montgomery, Va., gasoline retailer over allegations of price gouging during a declared state of emergency.

Agreement reached to pay workers of bankrupt Wis. business

By Nick Rees |
J.B. Van Hollen (R) SHEBOYGAN, Wis. (Legal Newsline) - Fifteen former employees will receive a total of $36,000 in compensation they lost when the Sheboygan, Wis., firm they worked for filed for bankruptcy, state Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen announced.

Three estate planning co.'s agree to settlements over use of non-lawyers‏

By Nick Rees |
John Kroger (D) SALEM, Ore. (Legal Newsline) - Settlements have been announced by Oregon Attorney General John Kroger that require three estate planning companies to pay $18,400 in fees and restitution and prohibits them from using non-lawyers to prepare living trusts.

Lawsuits filed against four Missouri businesses over bogus auto warranties‏

By Nick Rees |
Chris Koster (D) JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (Legal Newsline) - Attorney General Chris Koster, as part of his ongoing crackdown on the sale of bogus auto warranty products, has filed lawsuits against four additional businesses.